Most microwave module design work includes some level of packaging design.
However our specialization with advanced high density technologies with RF and microwave signals provide an edge.
Mastery of EM simulation tools such as Ansoft's HFSS, and Agilent's Momentum as well as specialty 2D EM signal-integrity tools places us at the forefront.
We have performed complex analysis and design optimization in high density Silicon based interconnects for high speed logic MCM as well 3D Chip Scale Packaging post process for Silicon dies, mm-Wave module design and high speed Electro-Optical die assemblies.
Packaging simulation for wide band E-O modules included RF interconnects, box resonant and guided modes and crosstalk analysis under optical interface constraints.
Our experience includes mixed-signal die packaging which tends to involve high speed logic signals with strict crosstalk requirements to nearby low level analog signal pins.